Featured Artifact of the Week

Library Card

1878 library card for H. Dwinell, who was likely Hezekiah Dwinell (1804-1884). According to the Fletcher Library, the card was used while the library was in the Town Hall, in the room to the immediate right of the main entrance. The collection was just over 3,000 books at the time, compared to over 100,000 individual items of various types today. A familiar yet differing system in the 1870s required the patron to record the number of the book of interest on their card for the librarian. The library would move to its present location in 1896, being then dedicated in honor of its primary benefactor, Jonathan Varnum Fletcher (1812-1899).

For more info on the library’s history, check out their website’s history and awards page.

Card, Library
Paper, printed and hand-written text