“Remembering 9/11” Where were you? Share your memories.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, terrorists linked to al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger planes. Two were flown into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after passengers tried to overpower the hijackers. Its target may have been the Capital or the White House. The attacks resulted in the deaths of 2997 and injuries to more than 6000. We suffered a great tragedy, and our country was changed forever.

Those of us who lived through it will never forget where we were or how we felt on that fateful day.

Share your memories of the event by answering the following questions, you have a choice of three ways to share your memories.

  1. Email: Send to submission to Linda Greene at director@museum.westford.org
  2. Record at the Westford Museum: Stop by the museum and record your personal recollection for future generations of Westford residents.
  3. Zoom yourself: Set up a zoom meeting, recorded, save and the file and email it to Linda Greene at director@museum.westford.org


  • How old were you when 9/11 took place?
  • Where and what were you doing? Working? Going to school? Etc…
  • How did you find out about the events in NYC?
  • When did you know it was a terrorist attack?
  • What emotions and thoughts were going through your mind as the day played out – NYC, The Pentagon and PA?
  • Were you afraid for your safety or the safety of your family? What actions did you take?
  • What is your most vivid memory of that day?
  • Do you know people who were personally impacted by the attacks? What happened to them?
  • How did you feel as the nation reacted during the first few days after 9/11?
  • Has 9/11 changed you? How so?
  • How has 9/11 changed our nation or the world?