After nearly 40 years, the Westford Museum needs new window shades!

Over time the Westford Museum’s shades have become terribly worn, the sides are shredded, the bottoms are falling apart, they have been taped, glued, and stapled back together. We need your help to replace them.

At the Town’s Annual Meeting in June, The Westford Historical Commission received funds from the Community Preservation Committee to reglaze the windows of the Westford Museum which are in poor condition. The Historical Commission is the caretaker of the Westford Museum Building; however, it is The Historical Society’s commitment to preserve and protect the collection.

The CPA funds do not provide for replacement of the shades which protect the museums’ collection from sunlight when the Museum is not open. It would be a shame to put back up the 30-year-old room darkening shades on newly restored windows.

The Westford Historical Society, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Thank you for your donation.

This campaign has concluded. If you’d like to support the museum, please consider becoming a member or making a general donation