Featured Artifact of the Week


Ca. 1870 photo of the Forge Village Horse Nail Co. Prior, the site was an iron forge known as the Westford Forge Company, which started in 1853. Jonas Prescott (1810-1870) was the largest shareholder. The company was reorganized under the ownership of John Daly (1817-1899), John Haskins, and Alexander Caryl in 1865 to become the Forge Village Horse Nail Co., which operated as such until 1877. In 1879, the Abbot Worsted Co. bought the property, expanding their then Graniteville-based business. Abbot used the wood-framed Horse Nail buildings in tandem with newer buildings they built on the site. The Horse Nail buildings were demolished in 1909 to make room for the expanded brick and stone factory complex present today as apartments.
