Featured Artifact of the Week


Apple Blossom Festival flyer from 1935 (9″ x 6″). The first Apple Blossom Queen, Phyllis Elizabeth Wright Branigan (1917-1918), is pictured. The festival was first held between 1935 and 1937, according the the Westford Kiwanis. It was supported by the local apple growers in Westford. The festival was revived by the Westford Kiwanis in 1968, and with the exception of 2020 and 2021, the festival continues to be a yearly event in May.

The back of the flyer advertises Westford’s Lake Shore Theater, which was housed in a no longer standing building at the Nab lake Country Club. For more info, click here!

Phyllis graduated from Westford Academy in 1934, going on to receive a degree from Emerson College of Oratory. After moving to Littleton, she became one of their first fire and police dispatchers. She lived in Florida later in life.
