A Chat with Patti Mason

Interviewed by Deepa Gautam

Patti is a kind, selfless person and gives to others in everything she does. Patti  has established and supported many community service initiatives  for more than 30 years and has had a far reaching impact on our schools, town and the wider community. For the Westford Museum and Historical Society Patti has been a board member, a museum volunteer and docent. She has granted funds to the Westford Museum through her personal foundations. supporting museum programing, museum exhibits and outreach projects. 

Recently, Deepa Gautam, Westford Museum 2024 Summer Intern, recorded this podcast, interviewing Patti Mason. As longtime Westford resident, Patti has established herself as both an invaluable and impactful member of the community throughout the years. Whether it be through founding new initiatives or supporting service throughout the town, her legacy as a community leader is far reaching.