The Westford Wardsman, Saturday, July 5, 1919

A look back in  time to a century ago

By Bob Oliphant

Center.  Dr. and Mrs. Edward Atwood have been visitors at the home of the Misses Atwood [4 Graniteville Rd.].

“We regret that we failed to report last week reports from several of the early gardeners of their first green peas.

“Mr. and Mrs. Alec MacDougall are entertaining for two weeks their son Allister, his wife and two children, of Northampton.

“Principal William C. Roudenbush, who was recently returned from the commencement exercises at Williams college, and where he enjoyed exercise of unusual interest tells of the splendid record of the class of 1917 in the great war.  Out of a class of 103 men, who were graduated, 101 entered the military service.  Of the other two one was in the public service and not permitted to resign.  The remaining man was a cripple, but before the armistice came he was driving an ambulance at an army camp.

“Recently Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Cameron drove up from Lowell with a friend, who was a guest in their home.  This lady [Isabella Wilson (1853-1937)] … was the wife of a missionary [Rev. James Horace Pettee (1851-1920)] and had lived many years in Japan, and … Westford was her birthplace.  She was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson.  Mr. Wilson was the second pastor of the Congregational church [1852-1856], succeeding Rev. Leonard Luce….

“The notorious old ‘brick tavern’ at the north part of the town [266 Groton Rd.], which had been under suspicion for some time, was raided last Sunday by Chief Ripley and Officers Sutherland and Ball and Officer Mahan of Lowell.  Six hundred bottles of beer were taken.  There were also empty bottles and evidences of the sale and keeping of liquor.  Matthew Downs, the aged proprietor of the place, is awaiting trial, charged with the illegal sale of liquor.

“Perley E. Wright made his first trip to Boston with his motor truck on Tuesday night and will go again on Saturday night.

Social.  The committee for the June social, the last one of the season, closed the successful series of socials at the Congregational church on Friday evening of last week by giving the large gathering a good supper and a fine entertainment.  There were fully 125 plates set for the strawberry shortcake supper and the committee being obliged to reset tables for a second group.  A menu of cold ham, potato salad, rolls, coffee, strawberry shortcake, cake and ice cream was most attractively served and cooked by Mrs. Ralph Bridgeford, Mrs. John Felch, Mrs. A. H. Burnham, Mrs. Parker and other helpers….

“The entertainment was by an orchestra from the base hospital at Camp Devens….

About Town.  There was a light frost last week Tuesday evening which left its trade mark very lightly on an exposed hill of beans and some of the vine family….

“A recent real estate transaction, the largest and most important in the Stony Brook valley, was the sale by George C. Moore of all of his real estate at Brookside, including mill property; also, all his real estate at Westford depot, including water power and buildings, to Abbot Worsted Co.  Mr. Moore still retains his large farm at Nabnassett and his mill interests at North and West Chelmsford.

Graniteville.  The St. Peters A.A. of Lowell defeated the Abbot Worsted Company team here last Saturday in a well played game by the score of 5 to 2….

“The mill and shop teams here are playing a series of games for the cigars.  The series is the best three out of five games, and so far each team has won one game each….

“The Graniteville A.C. lost to West Chelmsford last Saturday by the score of 3 to 2.

“The Abbot Worsted Company band held a rehearsal here on Monday night, and although the band has not been organized but a short time, the members are making great progress and are showing good results under the leadership of James P. Larkin.  It is thought that the band will give a public concert in the early fall.

Forge Village.  The Sunday school children of St. Andrew’s mission held a very enjoyable picnic last Saturday afternoon at Cameron park.  Ideal weather helped make the occasion more interesting.  A fine list of sports were run off under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Leslie Wallace….

“The Boy Scouts, recently organized under the leadership of Rev. Wallace, enjoyed their first outing Tuesday and Wednesday, camping out over night.”