1913 – Sarah “Carrie”

Sarah C. Atwood (Carrie)
1913 Diary

Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1913
Nice bright day. Went to Catholic ch in morning – expected
good singing but this was nothing but organ. Miss Griffin
when we met at the park went with us. She is from N.Y., lost her
mother and is down here alone, on Beaver St.

Thursday, Jan.2
Rained all day – Stayed at home sewing and crocheting till
most [??] when went to library.

Friday, Jan. 3, 1913
Windy and cool – Walked to bakery & grocery store Bought 4
loaves bread for $.10, 1 doc. Large macaroons for $.10. Walked
down town in afternoon. Had a fire in fireplace in eve. Dr. &
Mrs. Sell [??] called but we were away.

Saturday, Jan. 4
Cool wind but fair. Went down to Broad St. for meat in the
morn – Aft. Went to the Central park and Library. Miss Griffin
had a heart attack in the park.

Sunday, Jan 5, 1913
Fair & warm. Went to cong ch in morn. Dr. Sell preached,
good U.Y. sermon. Went to train ch in eve, a chorus of 12 men.
Spent the whole day in the parks. A big fat Dr. Martin
preached in eve & told [firey??] stories that we did not like very
much – Late with Mrs. Smith in parlor by the fire.

Monday, Jan. 6
Hot summer day – went down to the central park in morn, but
too hot to [??] walking so stayed on piazza all afternoon.

Tuesday, Jan 7, 1913
Hot summer day so stayed on piazza all day till Lil and I went
for a little walk.

Wednesday, Jan 8
Hot again. Lil went for auto ride with Mrs. Smith & nurse –
Mrs. Archibald took them.

Thursday, Jan 9, 1913

Friday, Jan 10

Saturday, Jan 11, 1913
Warm summer day. Nurse went today – Called on Miss Griffing.
Found she hadn’t been out since we saw her in the park.

Sunday, Jan. 12
A hot morning. Went to church as usual – looked too cloudy to
go in eve.

Tuesday, Jan 14
Very warm. Found Miss Griffing in bed and without reading,
so went to Library for her.

Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1913
M & L went down to a store on Forcythe St. in eve to hear a
Victor Victrola – a whole opera motion pictures were expected
but had not arrived so would repeat Weds. next.

Thursday, Jan 16
Such a fine day we went to Ortega but it began to rain in a
little while so we came home. Called on Mrs. Gale in aft. as it
rained only a little.

Friday, Jan 17, 1913
Warm summer day – I went to Library – L & M hunted up the
Episcopal vector to tell him about Miss Griffing – Sat in the
nearest park in aft. Got some books for Miss G. and May call a

Saturday, Jan 18
A beautiful summer day. Too warm to go anywhere – Olive
went off for a while so we took possession of the kitchen and
cooked and washed & ironed a little, also washed my head.

Sunday, Jan 19, 1913
Warm – Called on Miss G a little while on the way to church –
found her in bed as usual – Dr. Sell preached a good sermon as
usual, the anthem was “I sought the Lord”, and the duet was
“Forever with the Lord”.

Monday, Jan 20
Hot. L & M called at Seneca Hotel to see Dr. & Mrs. Sell by appt.
with him but found them both out. Expect he forgot. Also
called at Mrs. Parker’s but she was gone to [H.O.??]

Tuesday, Jan 21, 1913
Warm as ever – went to Library and called on Miss G. a little
while. Found her very miserable.

Wednesday, Jan 22
Hot – Went way down to wharf stopped while on Windsor hotel
piazza. Stayed at home rest of the day. L & M went to Miss
meeting at Mrs. Archibald’s.

Thursday, Jan. 23, 1912
Hot – Went a little way in morn but was tired so stayed at home
on piazza all the rest of the day.

Friday, Jan 24
Hot as ever – I stayed at home all day but L & M went to the
musical in aft. A fine pianist and chorus sang four times.
They enjoyed it very much – Had new screens in out rooms, so
no more mosquitoes.

Saturday, Jan 25, 1913
Hot as usual. Cloudy in morn but cleared away. Went to
Library in morn and stopped at the Jewish service at the temple
– also with Miss G a little while. L & M went in aft to look over
the new ship [Lenaper??] but I was so used up I went to bed.
New screens in kitchen so no more bugs.

Sunday, Jan 26
Cloudy so not quite so hot. The usual good service at church.
Mrs. Domance sang solo. Lil went to Presbyterian. Poured in
afternoon and night.

Monday, Jan 27, 1913
Cleared off cold.

Tuesday, Jan 28
Cool – Went down to wharf for oranges and stopped at Park –
Stayed on hotel piazza while Lil gossiped at the Park.

Wednesday, Jan 29, 1913
May and L walked out on RR into country – brought home wild
flowers – wild plum, spiderwort, dandelion, Drummond phlox &
dewberry, May picked a bunch of roses from Mrs. Smith’s

Friday, Jan 31, 1913
Cold and clear in morn – Went to the musical in afternoon- A
good paper by Mr. Beach- Four piano pieces and two songs.
Went to Library after books but rained so came home on car.

Saturday, Feb 1
Cool and stayed at home to cook in morn. Carried Miss
Griffing’s books to her in afternoon and stayed at Park.

Sunday, Feb. 2, 1913
Cool and comfortable- rained a little while in but were able to
get home all right. Were intending to go to Episcopal to a
musical service in eve but rained too hard – Lil went to First
Methodist in morn.

Monday, Feb. 3
Warm & sultry in the morn – cooler later.

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1913
Cool. Called on Mrs. Gale

Wednesday, Feb. 5
A beautiful morn as we went down after oranges and to get
books for Miss Griffing, Mrs. Howard from the orange grove &
daughter called. L & M went in eve to C. Science ch.

Thursday, Feb. 6, 1913
Cool enough for a fire in morn, but quite hot when we started
out in aft for a lecture at Methodist ch by a lady from
Honolulu. Wrote to Miranda & Daytona.

Friday, Feb. 7
Cool & rainy so we sit by the fire in morn. Wrote to Edna.
Poured in aft.

Saturday, Feb. 8, 1913
Cloudy in morn- cleared off. Went to Library – Changed books
for Miss. G.
Went to Woman’s Club to hear Jacob Riis in eve.

Sunday, Feb. 9
Cold & clear. Had a very good sermon. Lil went to Episcopal.
L&M went out on RR for walk in aft.

Monday, Feb. 10, 1913
Cold in morn.

Tuesday, Feb. 11
Bright & warmer. Went to wharf in morn. Mrs. [L??] went
away for the day. L & M spent aft in kitchen cooking, washing
hair, & c. Also went to Library in morn.

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1913
Cloudy in morn & muggy. Cleared in aft. Broke my glasses –
L&M went down town in aft. – took them to be mended, I stayed
in Laura Park.

Thursday, Feb. 13
Rained hard all day- so we stayed in the house all day.

Friday, Feb. 14, 1913
Cloudy but we went to the Library in morn. Went to Dr. Sell’s
Lenten lecture at YWCA rooms after to the musicals in aft.

Saturday, Feb. 15
Rained all morning – but cleared off so we went for a walk in
aft. L&M went in eve to Cohens grand opening also to Board of
Trade stereopticon lecture.

Sunday, Feb. 16, 1913
Dr. Marsh of Daytona preached. Beautiful morning. We all
went to Cong. Ch.

Monday, Feb. 17
Beautiful warm morn, so went over to Riverside. Spent the
whole day there. Lost my fur cape. Hope I left in the car and
will hear from it. Perfect weather all day.

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1913
Little cooler but pleasant – L & M went over to car office and got
my fur left in the car.

Wednesday, Feb. 19
Cloudy – Went to YWCA rooms for Miss meeting in aft – L&M went
to stereopticon lecture on Honolulu at Pres ch in eve – Saw Miss
G at park. She has been out since Sunday.

Thursday, Feb. 20, 1913
Warmer. Went in aft to PP state [??] meeting at Baptist ch –
changed Miss G’s books

Friday, Feb. 21
Warm & Cloudy. Went to musical in aft – children’s day – and
to the convention after.

Saturday, Feb. 22, 1913
Cloudy. Went to see PP parade and were invited to join the
Cong’s so rode in wagon with 7 or 8 seats to Morocco Temple –
where exercises were held.

Sunday, Feb. 23
Bright warm morning – Mrs. Smith went with us to the Baptist
ch to hear the SS speech from Chicago – Mr. Pearce – We like him
very much. Lil met Mr. & Mrs. Barber, from Littleton. They have
been to St. Petersburg, staying here for a couple of weeks.

Monday, Feb. 24, 1913
Warm in morning but cooler in aft – Mr. & I went to
stereopticon lecture on Alaska at Board of trade hall –
beautiful view.

Tuesday, Feb. 25
Cold and fair – Sat out in back in aft – Lil & I went to Baptist
ch to the Cantata – The Crucifixion by Stainis in Eng – M stayed
home with Mrs. Smith.

Wednesday, Feb. 26\
Cloudy – warmer – Went to Library in aft – Mr. & Mrs. Barker
called while we were out but I met them and walked back with
them quite a ways.

Thursday, Feb. 27
Hot and wind blowing hard all day. I took a short walk in
morn. L & M stayed in all day – M with a cold. Thunder
shower in eve – while we were out on piazza, one dreadful clap
of thunder.

Sunday, Mar. 2 1913
Cold & windy – Went to our ch in morn & called on Mrs. Barker
after. Went to Orphanage in aft – L & M went to hear the
Cantata – Crucifixion at the Episcopal ch in ev.

Tuesday, Mar. 4, 1913
Rained hard all day – L & M get caught in rain. Warm – sewed
& read all day.

Wednesday, Mar. 5
Warm – went to see the Eastman Kodak Exhibition of pictures at
Morocco Temple in aft.

Thursday, Mar. 6, 1913
Col, so we had a wood fire all forenoon – Went to see pictures
again – and L & M went in evg. Stopped for development

Friday, Mar. 7
Cold enough for fire – Went to see pictures again in aft.

Saturday, Mar. 8, 1913
Cloudy & cool enough for a little fire in morn – Went to see
pictures again in aft.

Sunday, Mar. 9
Went to church at the new church in the basement.

Monday, Mar. 10 1913
Began packing.

Tuesday, Mar. 11
L & M went to the reception at Home for Aged.

Wednesday, Mar. 12, 1913
Sent off our trunks in aft – One to Boston – [Parramore]. Went
to ride in Mrs. Parramore auto, nearly to Ocean Park.

Thursday, Mar. 13
Started for Augustine at 9:30. A hot sun but cool wind. Went
to the fort – big hotels, city gates, etc. The whole family met us
at station in D with two cars – Headquarters at Will’s.

Friday, Mar. 14, 1913
Hot – Went down to Port Orange with Dr. and made other call
with him – also in aft over to beach etc. In eve went to band
concert. Had dinner & supper at Dr.’s.

Saturday, Mar. 15
Hot – To Port Orange with Ed again. Band concert in ev.

Sunday, Mar. 16, 1913
Cloudy – L & M went to church but I didn’t feel well so went up
to Ed’s. All spent the day there. L & M went to ride with Puss in

Monday, Mar. 17
Poured all day – so we stayed in – I in bed till evening

Tuesday, Mar. 18, 1913
Poured all day so we stayed in – Frank Wilkins called to see us.
He & wife, his brother Charles & wife had been down to Palm
Beach. L & M went to hear Dr. Vincent Lecture in eve – 84 yrs
old – a fine lecture.

Wednesday, Mar, 19
Cleared off cool – Went to Dr’s to dinner and supper. Called on
Ellie Drake in aft. All the rest went to lecture by Miss Hamilton
in eve. I went to band concert. FW & wife called to see us at
Dr’s after we came away.

Thursday, Mar. 20 1913
Went down to Port O with Ed & Puss in morn & stayed there to
dinner. Rode up to Ormond in Will’s cab, and down to P. O.
again. Went to concert in eve.

Friday, Mar. 21
Rode down to Inlet on beach and stopped at the cottage
coming home for lunch. Dr’s family and all. Concert in eve.

Saturday, Mar 22, 1913
Went to Ed’s to dinner and supper. Took us to ride in aft.
Concert in eve.

Sunday, Mar. 23
I stayed at home from church. The others went had good
Easter service – two fine soloists – I went in eve – Stayed at Will’s.

Monday, Mar, 24, 1913
Warm. Carrie sick with sciatica & Puss not well so we did not
go there to dinner. Went over the river with Ed and up on the
beach to Ormond. Rode with will to the water works in aft.
Band concert in eve.

Tuesday, Mar. 25
Warm. Went up to Mound Grove with Will & Margaret. Had
supper with Mrs. Bartlet.

Wednesday, Mar. 26, 1913
Tired from yesterday’s trip so did not go to Dr’s till most noon.
L & M called at the Manes and on Mrs. Finley and we all called
on Mrs. Jolly. Band concert in eve.

Thursday, Mar. 27
Rode down to P. O. with Dr – were going to New Smyrna with
Will in aft but it rained.

Friday, Mar. 28, 1913
Cold enough for fire. Went down to Ed’s for the day. Will
called to take us to N. Smyrna in aft. Ed went with us. Had
sore throat. Mrs. Balcom called.

Saturday, Mar. 29
Warmer again. Rode over to DeLand had a very pleasant ride.
Got home at 3:30. Went to band concert in eve.

Sunday, Mar. 30 1913
Rained hard so I did not go to ch. All went to Ed’s for the day.
Mrs. Jolly & May called. Did not go to ch in eve because not
well dressed. Cleared off.

Monday, Mar. 31
Cooler – Rode down to Port Orange and over the river with Ed
making calls. Aft – rode up to Holly Hill with Will & M and
called at Mr. Green’s. Called on May Jolly and Mrs. Abbot and
Mrs. Bartlet in eve.

Tuesday, Apr. 1, 1913
Began packing in morn – Will and M and all took dinner at
Ed’s. finished packing after and sent off the trunk.

Wednesday, Apr. 2
Quite rainy – Whole family went to see us off at 10:24 train was
1 ½ hours late so went back to Will’s for lunch – then had to
wait twenty minutes more. A hot dusty ride to Jacs – where we
stayed overnight at the Windle.

Thursday, Apr. 3, 1913
Started at eight for Savannah. Arrived there at twelve. Found
carriage waiting to take us to the boat. Started from there at
four eastern time. Very pleasant going out of the river. Had a
good dinner – and good night.

Friday, Apr. 4
Hot and pleasant. Ship rolled so we were all sick. Did not get
up and dress all day nor eat anything. Our ship is the

Saturday, Apr. 5, 1913
All got up to breakfast. Lil did not go to dinner, but M & I did.
A lot of hotel waiters on board coming from Fort Myers. Do not
enjoy them very much. Some other pleasant people on board.

Sunday, Apr. 6
Getting colder but pleasant. Walked out on deck and sat in
sun a little – but too cold to stay very long. Waiters very rude
and noisy.

Monday, Apr. 7, 1913
Found ourselves tied up to the dock – in a snow storm. Had
crackers and coffee on board. Got up to Lowell Just too late for
our car so had to wait there three hours. Had dinner at
Parsonage. Found water had leaked thro living room ceiling.

Tuesday, Apr. 8
Cold and Windy – Unpacked trunks in morn. L & M went to
Tadmuck meeting in aft.

Thursday, Jan 1, 1914
The nieces were here to dinner. When they went away we
attended a reception at Mason’s Hotel & Y.M.C.A. May and I
called on Scriven who is sick.

Friday Jan 2, 1914
Very rainy. Fine all day. Margaret & Mrs. Never surprised us in
aft.. The nieces came in aft & work on books & fell down stairs
with trunk. Sarah, “There’s one under” At dark M & I went to

Saturday, Jan 3
In morn.. I went down town alone & paid rent & u. In aft. M
& I went to Wharf to attend land sale at Hollywood but they
said it was too windy so we stopped at park a while. Got
acquainted with Mr & Mrs Hearve of Chicago.

Sunday, Jan 4, 1914
Walked in aft to keep warm. Traced the Dignan Park Terrace
Apartment house & Dancie Terrace St. We left Mrs. Denning
packing up last things while we went to church.

Monday, Jan 5
Cold 36° – 51°
I walked down town & did errands in morn. In aft M & I went
on mail boat Kessie at E to Arlington with the misses Lacthof &
came back about dark on the motor boat Manon. Mrs. Stone
called while we were all out.

Tuesday, Jan 6, 1914
Cold & cloudy. Walked to grocere & wharf for oranges then
read at library „till noon. Had a fire in aft & eve.

Wednesday, Jan 7
We went to the lecture on Palestine in the evening by Mr.
Heoyta from N.Y. I enjoy Dr. Sell’s lectures much better. We
were pretty tired when we reached home. S & L threatened to
not go out with me evenings.

Thursday, Jan 8, 1914
I worked on towel in morning. In afternoon, L & I sat in
piazza while Sarah built a fire in dining room. Smoke poured
from stove in kitchen instead of chimney. Lil got Mrs. Redding
who called a fireman. Mrs. Gale found her way here. Called
on sister in evening.

Friday, Jan 9
I worked on towel most of day. About night L & I went to
Stern’s to get dark bread. I felt weak & hot, know now that I
had a cold coming on, as I am having a pretty bad throat.
Tried to find men to clean out the chimney.

Saturday, Jan 10
Warm 70°
Colored men found chimney full of soot & burned it. Had an
early dinner so that L & I could go to the land sale aft. We
went to wharf at one but it was in vain as no boat came, then
went to bird lecture at club rooms. Went to Cohen’s & had tea
& bread. Had pleasant time in park talking with two men.

Sunday, Jan 11
L. went to 1st Methodist, S & I to our own. A very good noon ser.
Mr. Arnold sang “It is enough” from Elijah – very good. Went in
evening. Dr. Sell was excellent to-day. A very large house in
the evening.

Monday, Jan 12
Cooler to-day. I swept the front rooms, then sewed on my silk
dress in the sun at side of the house. This afternoon L & I went
to the grand to moving picture show.

Tuesday, Jan 13
46 – 54
Started early for wharf, bought oranges. Went to library &
read till past eleven. Went to park and found L. Sat a few
min. before going home & getting din. Went to down to
moving picture “The first degree”. [Harn, sugar?] spent the
afternoon there arriving home about six. L. was thinking of

Wednesday, Jan 14, 1914
Washed all the morn. Had a quiet time on the piazza in
afternoon sewing. About night L & I went down town to get a
few purchases.

Thursday, Jan 15
We went to W.C.T.U. prayer meeting as it was National day. I
wanted to go in evening to mass meeting but L & S did not
want me to go so stayed at home. The sisters called in evening,
which gave me considerable to laugh at.

Friday, Jan 16, 1914
L & I went to sister Mary Ann funeral in morn. All went to the
Friday Musical in the afternoon. Called on the Harris’s on our
way home. In evening all went to the moving picture in our

Saturday, Jan 17
L & I cooked all the fore-noon. After dinner we went to the
auction sale in a store on Bay St. We had a very good time &
bought more things than we expected to. Found S. sitting on
the piazza waiting for me in the dusk.
Sunday, Jan 18, 1914
I went with L. to the 1st. Meth, to hear Bishof of Atlanta, Ga. We
did not like him. S. was pleased that she went to ours. The also
sang the Publican. Went to ours in the evening. Mrs. Acosta
sang a lovely solo from Elijah.

Monday, Jan 19
L & I went to auction about eleven, but found none. Carried
some salmon home for our din. S & I went to the cooking class
at 2. L. stayed at home for the gas man. Went to auction after
the cooking class. Bought a curio which was no good. Sat up
until nearly ten reading my book “The Last Trail”.

Tuesday, Jan 20, 1914
We had a great fright this morn. L called to us to all come to
bath room. The water was boiling and steaming. S & I went to
the cooking school. L. stayed at home for plumber. Then we
went to the auction. L went to temperance lecture which she

Wednesday, Jan 21,
We had a two weeks wash. Caught enough water to do the
washing. This afternoon all went to the cooking class. Didn’t
go to the auction after it as we are going to Dr. Sells
stereopticon lecture on Northern China. The pictures were not
as pretty as the Mexico pictures.

Thursday, Jan 22, 1914
We dried our clothes and worked round house this morn.
Went to cooking class this afternoon. Learned to make bread
& c. Then went to auction. S. bought her a gold chain. L & I
each a hat pin.

Friday, Jan 23
Ironed & worked on towel this morn. It rained so went to
lecture in electrics. Treated to coffee & ginger water after.
After lecture went to “The taming of the Shrew” moving picture
show. Still raining when through so rode home. Have a
pleasant evening reading.

Saturday, Jan 24, 1914
Rained till early afternoon. Cooked all the forenoon. L & I
went to the cooking class to see prizes awarded. Bought two
loaves of bread there for 5 cts, given 1 cup coffee & ginger water
when we [?] Went to auction & bought shell comb for $1.60 was

Sunday, Jan 25
58 mean
Dr. S. preached an excellent sermon. Mr. Redavats sang the
offertory. I found I had a rag hanging from my silk skirt on
way home. L & I went over St. Luke’s hospital in afternoon.
Were going to meeting in evening if it had not rained.

Monday, Jan 26, 1914
I swept rooms & fried doughnuts this morn. L & I started early
for the park then went to auction. We bought some things. I
wanted a gold bracelet set with three diamonds ($18.50) but I
thought we had better not get it.

Tuesday, Jan 27
L & I started early for the Digsa [Digs’s?] trial. It took most of
morn. to get a jury. After dinner Mrs. Mosher made us a long
call. Then we went down to “the Lion & the Mouse”. Saw it
through twice. Felt pretty tired when we reached home.

Wednesday, Jan 28, 1914
L & I went to the trial in morn, stayed till the jury went to view
the premises. Late in afternoon we went to the torpedo boats
then went to auction. L. bought gold pin for $3.50.

Thursday, Jan 29
A very hot day. The hottest day we have had. Washed this
morn. I worked on my towel till almost four, then L & I got
ready & went down to the auction. I wanted the alligator
suitcase but am afraid I can not get it. Bought the painted
orange wood for ten cents.

Friday, Jan 30, 1914
Ironed and worked on towel. L & I started early for the
auction by way of old grocery but found store locked. I was
almost melted. L. bought gold pin for $3.10 & abalone for 60¢.
I bought collar pins for 35¢. Too tired to go back to church in
evening to moving pictures.

Saturday, Jan 31
Made an early start after breakfast for oranges on the way to
“Anthony & Cleopatra” S. went after seeing it through. Then L
& I were there 4 h, went home & had some dinner then went to
the auction. Did not get home till eleven. Bought the black
fan for $1.60. Said good by to our friends there.

Feb 1
Went to church. Dr. Sell was excellent. Missed Mrs Acosta, the
soprano. A regular spring morn. Maples blossomed, striped
grass up 2 or 3 inches, mocking birds getting noisy. S. wanted
to go to church tonight but does not feel able, tired from

Feb 2
Darned stockings & worked on towel in morn, went down town
in afternoon. I went alone for the first time in evening to
Christian Church to hear Dr. Elwood, the board walk preacher
of Atlantic City, the subject Bottled Sunshine. I was glad I

Feb 3
Were cooking all morn. Went down town early in afternoon,
got tickets at the Metropolis for morning picture show
Thursday. Looked at prizes for band sale, saw a bible & large
vases & I decided not to go.

Feb. 4
Worked on towel in morn. S. & I tried to call on Mrs. Chris. &
Mrs Redding, left cards, but did call at the Harts. In evening I
went alone to Mr. Hoyts stereopticon lecture on Egypt. Saw
Pharoah’s daughters tomb, her picture on the wall. Saw her
father’s mummy who looks very kingly, Mr. H. says.

Feb. 5
Washed this morn. S & I went down to our treat which the
Metropolis gave us. Morning pictures at the Prince. We did not
care for them. Went into auction a while. Mr. & Mrs. Howe
came with their son. We bought Lil a lace waist at Cohens.

Feb. 6
L. & I started early for oranges, bought 2 doz. For 40 cts., then
went to the auction till noon, bought meat on way home. All
went to the musical. Mrs. Soafer sang. We think she sang [S?]
in choir. S. stayed to rehearsal while L & I went to auction. We
bought nothing to-day.

Feb. 7
All went down to the auction. I bought gold cut Oriental piece
for 75 cts. We wanted umbrellas but they went before we had
time to bid. This afternoon the Grant’s came to see the house,
as they think some of buying it. L is afraid we will loose our
clothes line.

Feb. 8
Enjoyed the services very much to-day. Mrs. Greta Berg sang the
offertory. The anthem Jerusalem by Gonne. Dr. Sell gave us
another of his fine sermons. We have decided to go tonight to
hear Mrs. Berg’s Solo. It has been cloudy & cold to-day. A very
pleasant day.

Feb. 9
Started bright & early for the auction. We brought three
umbrellas, a diamond ring, one pair manicure scissors.
Bought potatoes on way home for 30 cts. [lbs?] Is raining a
little this afternoon, are having a pleasant time by our fire,
stay at home this eve.

Feb. 10
I started before eight in a pouring rain to get our seats for
Alma Gluck concert. I was only the 8th in line & I had the 2nd
choice. I started for the auction & ran across L. going, but
there was none. I worked on my towel till time to get ready for
the Glee club concert, 16 men, very fine.

Feb. 11
We all went to the auction. Bought solid table spoons & forks.
While eating dinner we had a card from Miss Crosley about our
mortgage which alarmed us so we went to see Mr. Archibal. We
are to see him in the morn.

Feb. 12
S & L were troubled all the morn over the mortgage. I went to
the auction but got nothing. I came home & was worried they
were so long getting home. I went to the Hart’s & found Scriven
better of his pneumonia. All went to auction in afternoon &
got our tickets. Saw Mr. Jones on way home.

Feb 13
Went to the auction in morn, were going to the Missionary
meeting at our church in afternoon but it showered. S & I
went to the Alma Gluck concert in evening. Thought she was a
very sweet singer.

Feb 14
L. went down to send a telegram to Jennie Tucker. All of us
went to the auction, bought ear ring set for 1.60, gravy ladle
for $2.10, comb for 60. Changed my umbrella for silver handle
& went to the club to hear Dr. lecture “Pigs is pigs”, he was very
earnest. Then went to auction for our tickets.

Feb 15
Greta sang again to-day but not long enough. Dr. S. was brief
but very interesting. We went again in evening.

Feb 16
S & I went to auction in morn, bought forks for $5.25, orange
spoons for $3.25, gold locket for $3.25. L & I went in afternoon.
Sister Ida spent the evening with us. We got up a little earlier
to cook but did only part of it.

Feb 17
Finished am cooking before going to auction. L. got a prize of
a cologne bottle. S & I went to auction this afternoon, bought
nothing. Went to the drug store with Bessie Gale & had some
chocolate ice cream given us.

Feb 18
Sarah & I went to auction. She bought brooch for $13.25 worth
$28.00. I bought lavillier for $6.25 worth $17.00, hat brush 25
cts. L & I went in afternoon. L. bought a chain and repented.
We all went to Dr. Sell’s lecture on the immigrant with pictures
in evening.

Feb 19
Washed this morn, then I went to the auction a little while to
get my ticket, bought nothing. We all went down this
afternoon, changed L. chain for pearl handle knives solid
silver blades for $4.25, baster for 25 cts.

Feb 20
Stayed at home & swept rooms. L & I went to the auction in
afternoon but bought nothing then went to the cafeteria
supper at our church. Sarah came later to the moving pictures
& singing. I had a salad, roll & butter, coffee, cheese, mince
pie for twenty two cts.

Feb 21
L & I went for oranges, bought 21 for 35 cts, then went to the
auction for an hour. We did not get out until nine o’clock. S &
L went to see an apartment. I sewed on towel the first of the
afternoon. All bought up at the auction for our tickets.

Feb 22
Went to church, enjoyed the sermon & Mr. Redavats solo very
much. Glad to hear that Greta Berg is to be the choir leader. I
am writing letters on back porch this afternoon. Went to
church in evening, the Alto sang the solo. Greta sang no solo.
Dr. Sell’s sermon was rather deep.

Feb 23
L & I went to auction in morn, bought second ring. Mrs.
Christopher called in afternoon, just had time after she left to
go to the auction and get our tickets. Stayed up to lecture by
reading a while at the library. Mr. R. was very interesting.

Feb 24
L & I went to auction in morn, tried to have Mr. R. take back
ring, but he ran & left us. We made doughnuts after dinner.
Worked on second towel. Then we all went down for our tickets.
Feel that we cannot spend much more.

Feb 25
It has rained all day. We washed this morn. I have done quite
a bit on my towel to-day. Are having a nice warm fire all the
afternoon. It seems pleasant to think we can sit by the fire in

Feb 26
We all went to auction this morn but bought nothing. The
Howe’s aid they would call in afternoon. We spruced up the
house a little. I picked some more blackberry blossoms & roses.
Room looked cheerful with fire. After the call L. & I went down
& got our tickets.

Feb 27
We went to the auction this morn, bought nothing. All went to
the auction this afternoon instead of going to the musical. We
read in Lowell paper about the Boston & Maine are feeling
quite sore. Think we should not buy any more.

Feb 28
It is a very rainy day. L & I went to the auction & found that
they would give the prize in the afternoon. We told S. she need
not go it was raining so hard. I bid off the silver service for
$13.50. Mrs. Campbell got the prize. Some think it was a put up